Plan Bay Area
Adopted on July 18, 2013
Adopted in 2013, Plan Bay Area was the Bay Area’s first regional transportation plan to incorporate a state-mandated Sustainable Communities Strategy.

Below are links to the adopted Plan Bay Area document, its companion Environmental Impact Report and related supplementary documents.
An amendment to the adopted 2013 Plan Bay Area was proposed in June 2015 to add a project—access improvements to the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Learn more about the amendment on the MTC website.
Plan Bay Area 2013 Documents
Final Plan Bay Area and Environmental Impact Report:
Amendment to Plan Bay Area 2013:
Final Supplemental Reports:
- Economic Impact Analysis for Future Regional Plans
- Equity Analysis Report : Including Title VI, Environmental Justice, and Equity Analysis Results for Plan Bay Area
- Financial Assumptions : Final
- Forecast of Jobs, Population, & Housing
- Glossary
- Government-to-Government Consultation with Native American Tribes
- Jobs-Housing Connection Strategy
- Jobs-Housing Connection Strategy : Executive Summary
- Jobs-Housing Connection Strategy : Visions for Priority Development Area
- Local Street and Road Needs and Revenue Assessment : Final
- PDA Readiness Assessment : Final Report
- Performance Assessment Report
- Plan Bay Area Project List : Final
- Public Outreach and Participation Program
- Volume 1: Phase one: preliminary discussions (2010) and summary of 2010-2013 activities
- Volume 2: Phase two: initial vision scenario (2011)
- Volume 3: Phase three: draft preferred scenario (2012)
- Volume 4: Phase four: draft Plan Bay Area (2013)
- Evaluation of the Plan Bay Area Public Outreach and Participation Program
- Regional Housing Need Allocation Process Methodology for 2014-2022
- San Francisco Bay Area Plan Bay Area : Transportation and Land Uses Map
- State Highway Needs and Revenue Assessment : Final
- Summary of Predicted Land Use Responses
- Summary of Predicted Traveler Responses
- Transit Operating and Capital Needs and Revenue Assessment : Final
- Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Plan Bay Area & 2013 Transportation Improvement Program
- Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Plan Bay Area and the Final 2015 Transportation Improvement Program
Draft Plan Bay Area and Environmental Impact Report:
Draft Supplemental Reports:
- Economic Impact Analysis for Future Regional Plans
- Equity Analysis Report : Including Title VI, Environmental Justice, and Equity Analysis Results for Plan Bay Area
- Financial Assumptions : Draft
- Forecast of Jobs, Population, & Housing
- Local Street and Road Needs and Revenue Assessment : Final
- PDA Readiness Assessment : Final Report
- Performance Assessment Report
- Predicted Land Use Patterns
- State Highway Needs and Revenue Assessment
- Transit Operating and Capital Needs and Revenue Assessment
- Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Plan Bay Area & 2013 Transportation Improvement Program
- Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Plan Bay Area and the Final 2015 Transportation Improvement Program
Legal Settlements: