Legal Documents

The materials described below have been made available in accordance with the June 2014 settlement agreement among MTC and ABAG, and the Sierra Club and Communities for a Better Environment:


Current Transit Availability

The following links summarize answers to the bullets below:

  1. Whether a PDA meets criteria for a TPP [5.c.i (A)].
  2. Whether public transit routes or lines operate at 15 minute frequencies or less at peak commute times within a quarter mile of the PDA [5.c.i (B)].
  3. Availability of short-term funding for capital and operating expenses for public transit service to serve the PDA population [5.c.i (C)].
  4. If right-of-way acquisition is required for fixed guideways (including BRT), the routing has been identified [5.c.i (D)].


Readiness for Development

The following links summarize answers to the bullets below:

  1. Tracking building permits throughout the region for residential and non-residential development [5.c.ii (A)]. For more information on housing datasets, see
  2. Whether PDA jurisdiction has a "complete streets" policy that complies OBAG Program [5.c.ii (B)].
  3. Whether highway or freeway construction or lane expansions are planned within or adjacent to PDA [5.c.ii (C)].


Environmental Factors

The following links summarize answers to the bullets below:

  1. Whether any place within or adjacent to PDA is subject to flooding due to sea level rise [5.c.iii (A)].
  2. Whether any place within or adjacent to the PDA is located on land with liquefaction susceptibility of "Very High" or "High" [5.c.iii (B)]. This is determined by….
  3. Whether sites for parks and recreation are already within the PDA [5.c.iii (C)].
  4. Whether PDA has adequate green space relative to existing PDA population [5.c.iii (D)]


Housing and Jobs Information

The following links summarize answers to the bullets below:

  1. Changes in population of the PDA, including information on household demographics [5.c.iv (A)].
  2. Number and type of affordable units created by county, local jurisdiction, and PDA, including new and acquisition/rehabilitation units [5.c.iv (B)]. For more information on housing datasets, see
  3. Whether PDA sponsor has reported there is no feasible way to meet the need for affordable housing in the PDA [5.c.iv (C)].
  4. Changes in employment levels [5.c.iv (D)].
  5. Where applicable, anti-displacement programs in the PDA [5.c.iv (E)]. For more information on housing policies, see


Public Health and Environment Information

The following links summarize answers to the bullets below:

  1. Whether there is overlap between the PDA and CARE communities [5.c.v (A)].
  2. Whether PDA is in a jurisdiction that has a Community Risk Reduction Plan [5.c.v (B)].
  3. Whether the Community Risk Reduction Plan addresses freight impacts, and whether results are consistent with the goals of the Freight Emissions Reduction Action Plan [5.c.i (C)].