Plan Bay Area 2050+ Vision

Developed through robust and extensive partner and public engagement, the Vision and Guiding Principles for Plan Bay Area were adopted as part of Plan Bay Area 2050. As it is a limited and focused update, the Vision for Plan Bay Area 2050+ will remain consistent with that of the previous adopted plan.


What is the Vision for Plan Bay Area 2050+?

To ensure that by the year 2050 the Bay Area is affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant for all.

What are the Guiding Principles for Plan Bay Area 2050+?

Plan Bay Area’s Guiding Principles also were adopted as Plan Bay Area 2050 and developed in conjunction with members of the public, partners and elected officials between February and June 2018 through a wide range of public engagement activities. Given the limited and focused update approach for Plan Bay Area 2050+, the five principles remain the same.

  • Affordable: All Bay Area residents and workers have sufficient housing options they can afford – households are economically secure.
  • Connected: An expanded, well-functioning, safe and multimodal transportation system connects the Bay Area – fast, frequent and efficient intercity trips are complemented by a suite of local transportation options, connecting communities and creating a cohesive region.
  • Diverse: The Bay Area is an inclusive region where people from all backgrounds, abilities and ages can remain in place – with full access to the region’s assets and resources.
  • Healthy: The region’s natural resources, open space, clean water and clean air are conserved – the region actively reduces its environmental footprint and protects residents from environmental impacts.
  • Vibrant: The Bay Area is an innovation leader, creating quality job opportunities for all and ample fiscal resources for communities.

What are the Cross-Cutting Issues for Plan Bay Area 2050+?

Plan Bay Area 2050 tackled four topic areas – housing, the economy, transportation and the environment – while integrating the cross-cutting issues of Equity and Resilience. Because it is a limited and focused update, Plan Bay Area 2050+ will leverage the solid foundation of Plan Bay Area 2050, including the cross-cutting issues of Equity and Resilience.