Plan Bay Area 2040
Plan Bay Area 2040 is the strategic update to Plan Bay Area (2013), and it builds on earlier work to develop an efficient transportation network, provide more housing choices, and grow in a financially and environmentally responsible way.
Plan Bay Area is a roadmap to help Bay Area cities and counties preserve the character of our diverse communities while adapting to the challenges of future population growth.

Below are links to the adopted Plan Bay Area document, its companion Environmental Impact Report and related supplementary documents.
An amendment to the adopted Plan Bay Area 2040 (2017) was added in March 2018 to modify the scope and project cost of the U.S. Highway 101 Managed Lanes Project in San Mateo County. A second amendment was added in May 2020 to modify the scope and project cost of the Interstate 680 Express Lanes Gap Closure Project in Alameda County.
Plan Bay Area 2040 Documents
Plan Bay Area 2040
- Plan Bay Area 2040 Administrative Modification (September 2020)
- Plan Bay Area 2040: Final Amendment #2 (May 2020)
- Plan Bay Area 2040: Final Amendment #1 (March 2018)
- Final Plan Bay Area 2040
- Draft Plan Bay Area 2040
Environmental Impact Report:
- Addendum #2 to the Final EIR (May 2020)
- Addendum #1 to the Final EIR (March 2018)
- Final Environmental Impact Report for the Plan Bay Area 2040
- Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Plan Bay Area 2040
- Final Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report
- Notice of Determination for the Addendum to the Final EIR
Final Supplemental Reports:
- Equity Analysis Report
- Financial Assumptions Report
- Freight Emissions Reduction Action Plan
- Glossary
- Investment Strategy Report
- Land Use Modeling Report
- Local Streets and Roads, Bridges, and State Highway Needs Assessment
- Native American Tribal Outreach Report
- Performance Assessment Report
- Plan Bay Area 2040 Online Project Database
- Public Engagement Report
- Public Outreach and Participation Evaluation
- Regional Forecast for Plan Bay Area 2040
- Regional Forecast of Jobs, Population and Housing
- Scenario Planning Report
- Statutorily Required Plan Maps
- Transit Operating and Capital Needs and Revenue Assessment
- Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Amended Plan Bay Area 2040 and Amended 2017 Transportation Improvement Program
- Travel Modeling Report
Draft Supplemental Reports:
- Equity Analysis Report
- Financial Assumptions Report
- Freight Emissions Reduction Action Plan
- Glossary
- Investment Strategy Report
- Land Use Modeling Report
- Local Streets and Roads, Bridges, and State Highway Needs Assessment
- Native American Tribal Outreach Report
- Performance Assessment Report
- Public Engagement Report
- Regional Forecast of Jobs, Population and Housing
- Scenario Planning Report
- Statutorily Required Plan Maps
- Transit Operating and Capital Needs and Revenue Assessment
- Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis for Amended Plan Bay Area 2040 and Amended 2019 Transportation Improvement Program
- Travel Modeling Report