MTC Planning Committee
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Agenda Items
Eddie Ahn (Vice Chair), David Canepa, Carol Dutra-Vernaci, Dorene M. Giacopini*, Matt Mahan,
Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Sue Noack, David Rabbitt, and James P. Spering (Chair)
*Non-Voting Member
Agenda item1.
Agenda item2.
Agenda item3.
Agenda item3a.
Agenda item4.
Agenda item5.
Agenda item6.
Agenda item6a.
Agenda item7.
Agenda item7a.
Approval of technical assistance for Bay Area public agencies to develop fleet electrification plans as part of MTC’s Climate Program transportation electrification investments. This assistance will help local public agencies prepare to meet California clean fleet mandates and improve their ability to pursue capital funding for vehicle replacements and charging infrastructure.
Agenda item8.
Agenda item8a.
Presentation highlighting relevant findings from various MTC initiatives related to future highway investments, including key policy tradeoffs related to reliability, mobility, climate, transit, and affordability.
Agenda item9.
Agenda item10.
The next meeting of the MTC Planning Committee will be held on Friday, May 10, 2024 at 9:40 a.m. at the Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA. Any changes to the schedule will be duly noticed to the public.