Website Correspondence

Name: Alan Scotch

Date: 5/21/2017

County: Alameda

Topic: Housing

Subject: Don't be like PORTLAND


PORTLAND -- announced by Schonbrunn (TRANSDEF), at the PBA meeting, as a successful implementer of Transit Orientated Development (TOD) is now 12th in Traffic Congestion in U.S.…;

PORTLAND REGION: the eighth most congested Metropolitan Region “much of the congestion is caused by people commuting to employers outside Portland”…   

 -- this directly relates to the Campuses being built - - far from any existing transit, on the SF peninsula 

 So we need to build housing close to these Campuses and not solely in PDAs.


 San Francisco has emerged as the home base for young employees commuting to Campuses that are nowhere near transit  --- the folly of building transit on fixed, inflexible rails.


Cities have not cooperated and WILL not cooperate in permitting excessive multi-story development that destroys the well-maintained character of their towns. Forcing them at the State level will only induce rebellion. 

STUDY:- 95% transition to Electric + Autonomous vehicles by 2030 (Passenger Miles Travelled in 2030 may have risen by 50% !)…

It is time for PBA to find a primary goal other than GHG REDUCTION on which the Plan 2040 will have zero effect.