Where We Are in the Plan Bay Area Process
Plan Bay Area is in the home stretch, with policy makers from MTC and ABAG considering suggested changes to the draft document based on comments received during the spring round of public outreach.
The proposed changes to the Draft Plan will be discussed at the July 12, 2013 joint meeting of the MTC Planning Committee and ABAG Administrative Committee. The revised text, tables, and charts are included as attachments to the staff memorandum prepared for the meeting. Click on the meeting name below to view the meeting materials.
A compilation of the comments on the draft plan can be viewed on our "What We Heard" page. Comments were submitted by mail and email, via an online interactive Plan Bay Area Town Hall, and in-person at outreach meetings in every county. The results of a public opinion survey are also factoring into the process.
Following is a list of remaining public meetings related to final adoption of the plan, culminating in a special joint MTC-ABAG meeting on July 18 in the evening.
- Friday, July 12, 9:30 a.m. - MTC Planning Committee/ABAG Administrative Committee
- Location: Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter, 101 Eighth Street, Oakland, CA 94607
- Action: Staff will present revisions to the Plan and the Final EIR and request referral for consideration by the full boards of the ABAG Executive Board and MTC Commission
- Action: Staff will recommend that the Committee refer the 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the Air Quality Conformity Analysis on the Plan and TIP to the Commission for approval
- Thursday, July 18, 6:30 p.m. Special Joint Meeting of MTC and the ABAG Executive Board, with public hearings on Plan Bay Area and the Regional Needs Housing Allocation
- Oakland Marriott City Center, West Hall, 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607
- Action: Approve Final Plan, Final EIR, Regional Housing Need Allocation, Air Quality Conformity Analysis, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Plan Bay Area looks forward to the year 2040 and charts a course for the Bay Area’s first-ever Sustainable Communities Strategy, accommodating needed growth within our nine counties while at the same time decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from cars and light trucks.