Draft Blueprint Released
Check out the Plan Bay Area 2050 Draft Blueprint, which integrates 25 resilient and equitable strategies to make progress toward a more affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant Bay Area for all.
Highlights of the Draft Blueprint include improved affordability for residents of all income levels; expanded housing opportunities for low-income residents, including construction of more than 400,000 new permanently-affordable homes; a focus on growth in walkable communities; investments to reduce traffic fatalities and to protect homes from sea level rise; and strategies that support renewed economic growth.
The Draft Blueprint is a critical step in the creation of Plan Bay Area 2050, a long-range plan that looks holistically at the region’s transportation, housing, economic, and environmental issues by prioritizing equitable and resilient strategies. The Public Comment period is open July 10, 2020 through August 10, 2020, and your input is needed to help shape the Bay Area’s future.