MTC's Public Participation Plan

MTC is updating its Public Participation Plan (PPP). Share your ideas via Plan Bay Area Open Forum on how best to involve Bay Area residents in key planning and funding allocation decisions, including

  • Best practices for public meetings
  • Methods to engage residents outside of public meetings
  • Ways to hear from the diverse range of Bay Area residents
  • The role of social media or other online forums
  • Preferred methods for receiving updates from MTC
  • Opportunities to partner with cities and counties on public engagement efforts


State and federal law requires MTC to adopt a participation plan to provide interested residents with opportunities to be involved in the transportation planning process. MTC’s current Public Participation Plan (PPP) was adopted in 2010 and informs interested residents on how to engage in the range of MTC’s decisions relating to planning and funding allocations. Included in the updated PPP will be information highlighting planning and decision milestones, along with public engagement opportunities, for Plan Bay Area — the region’s long-range transportation and land-use blueprint that MTC adopts with the Association of Bay Area Governments.

MTC and ABAG anticipate an extensive outreach effort with local governments (cities, counties, congestion management agencies, and transit agencies) and the public as part of the process of developing the update to Plan Bay Area. In addition to a partnership among local governments, nonprofit and other organizations will have the opportunity to weigh in on issues and policies to be included in the updated Plan.

Draft Public Participation Plan Schedule

Updating the PPP can be viewed as a key first step to making the Plan Bay Area process transparent and accessible. Key dates leading up to adoption of the Draft PPP are listed below.


Regional Advisory Working Group discussion, 9:30 a.m.


Public Workshop, 6:30 p.m.


Release Draft PPP for 45-day public comment period


MTC Legislation Committee: presentation and discussion on Draft PPP


Close of 45-day public comment period


MTC Legislation Committee: Present summary of comments and any recommended changes (if significant changes, release for second 45-day comment period)


Final MTC action on Draft PPP (or March 2015 if second comment period is needed)